Еволюція поглядів художньої інтелігенції під час Української Революції 1917–1921 рр.





Проаналізовано процеси еволюції політичних, світоглядних, етично-моральних, матеріально-побутових та професійних поглядів і позицій художньої інтелігенції України під час Української революції 1917–1921 рр. Показано, що художня інтелігенція України, рятуючись під гаслами аполітичності від нав’язливої політики багатьох різних влад, прагнула продовжувати улюблену роботу заради не тільки виживання, але й потреби професійної та художньої творчості. І, нарешті, висвітлена трансформація позицій художньої інтелігенції України стосовно ставлення до радянської влади, оскільки остаточно була встановлена в Україні та схиляла на свою сторону стару художню інтелігенцію, без якої про культурний розвиток або культурне життя не могло йтися.

Біографія автора

V. M. Sheyko, Харківська державна академія культури, м. Харків

доктор історичних наук, професор, академік 


Bolshevik (January 3, 1920). [In Ukrainian].

Bolshevik (June 19, 1920). [In Ukrainian].

Bolshevik (December 12, 1924), p. 3. [In Ukrainian].

News: Kamianets-Podilskyi (December 1, 1920). [In Ukrainian].

Desniak, V. (November 15, 1925). Speech by Academician: [S. Yefremov] VUTSVK News, p. 2. [In Ukrainian].

Report on the work performed of the Department of Visual Arts of the Chernihiv Provincial Department of Education for 1920, the beginning of 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 176-177). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

Report of the troupe of the Romny Soviet Theatre about free performances in favor of the «Week of Red Volunteers», not earlier than July 28, 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: a collection of documents and materials (pp. 152-153). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

Report of the art section of the Kyiv Provincial Department of Public Education on the work performed from March 16 to April 14, 1919, not earlier than April 14, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 97-100). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

Zolotoverkhyi, I. D. (1961). The Development of Ukrainian Soviet Culture (1917-1920). M.V. Koval (ed.). Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. [In Ukrainian].

Proceedings of the Kiev Council of Workers’ Deputies (1919, March 15, March 16). [In Russian].

Proceedings of the Kharkov Council and the Provincial Executive Committee (1919, March 27). [In Russian].

From the report of the All-Ukrainian Theatre Committee of the People’s Commissariat of Education of Ukrainian SSR to the All-Ukrainian Department of Arts on the work of workers’ and peasants’ theatres in Kyiv, Kyiv and Chernihiv provinces from June 1 to July 1, 1919, not earlier than July 1, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 123-126). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the report of the subsection on the preservation of historical and artistic heritage of the Chernihiv provincial department of public education for 1919-1920, the end of 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 172-174). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the information of the Bureau of the Ukrainian Press on the commemoration of the Russian composer O. M. Scriabin in Ukraine, not later than April 27, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 103). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the information of the Bureau of the Ukrainian Press on the establishment of Proletcult dated May 8, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 109). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the information of the Bureau of the Ukrainian press of February 22, 1919 (1979) about the ways of the renewal of theatrical and artistic life in Kharkiv. Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 81). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the minutes of the meeting of the Collegium of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the USSR of February 3, 1919 (1979) on the structure of the Department of Arts. Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: a collection of documents and materials (p. 77). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the minutes of the meeting of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR of February 24, 1919 (1979) on financing the commemoration of T. H. Shevchenko. Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 82). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the information of the Bureau of Ukrainian press of May 2, 1919 (1979) on the activities of the Red Army mobile theatres. Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: a collection of documents and materials (pp. 107-108). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

From the information of the Bureau of the Ukrainian press of June 7, 1919 (1979) about the members and concerts of Kiev M.V. Lysenko chapel choir. Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 116). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

The Communist (1919, April 2), p. 4. [In Russian].

Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials. (1979). (p. 116). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. [In Ukrainian].

Kurbas, L. (1918). Theatrical letter. The Literary Review (Book 1, p. 12). Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

Kuriltseva, V.V. and Yavorskaya, N.V. (1957). The Art of Soviet Ukraine: Painting. Sculpture. Graphics: essays. Academy of Arts of the USSR, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts. Moscow: Iskusstvo. [In Russian].

Literature, Science, Art (1923, October 14), p. 1. [In Ukrainian].

Manuilskiy, D. (1921, November 7). Among treachery and betrayal. The Communist, p. 3. [In Russian].

About the use of theatre, music, painting and cinema as a means of propaganda: the order of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR of July 1, 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 147-148). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About Taras Shevchenko commemoration: the resolution of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR of March 7, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (p. 85). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About removing the monuments of tsars and their minions: the Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the USSR dated May 7, 1919 (1959). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR: the principal decisions of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, 1917-1959: collection of documents and materials (T. 1 1917 - June 1941, p. 47). Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

About the registration of cultural and educational personnel: the instruction of the People’s Commissariat of the Ukrainian SSR. (1921). Collection of Laws and Orders of the All-Ukrainian Revolutionary Committee (the 1st edition (of). (Part 1, No. 18, Article 347). Council of People’s Commissars, People’s Commissariat of Justice. [Kharkiv]. [In Ukrainian].

About the improvement of the situation of specialists and honored workers of literature and art: The Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars of the USSR dated 31, 1920 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 157-158). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

On imposing labour obligations on the workers of art: the Decree (1921). Collection of Laws and Orders of the All-Ukrainian Revolutionary Committee (the 1st edition (of)). (Part 1, No. 18, article 350). Council of People’s Commissars, People’s Commissariat of Justice. [Kharkiv]. [In Ukrainian].

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The Proletarian (1923, January 21), p. 5. [In Russian].

Sborshchikov. N. (2017, May 15). The last hetman: a friend of Germany, a Russian monarchist and a Ukrainian patriot: [Pavel Skoropadskyi]. Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine, p. 10. [In Russian].

Sobinov, L.V. (1979). Interview of L. Sobinov, the Head of the All-Ukrainian Music Committee, to the correspondent of the Bureau of the Ukrainian Press on the Prospects for the Development of Musical Culture in Ukraine dated June 17, 1919 (1979). Cultural work in the Ukrainian SSR, 1917-1927: collection of documents and materials (pp. 118-119). Main Archive Department under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR [and others]. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].

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CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 27, pp. 1, 10. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 681, p. 3. [In Ukrainian].

CSAHAA of Ukraine, f. 166, s. 1, archive unit 684. [In Ukrainian].

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Українська культура